Did you know there are foods with anti cancer properties? I mean, naturally occurring properties like the drugs prescribed to cancer patients? I sure didn’t. And these foods that fight cancer are backed by science. Bold statements, I know. You can learn more about this in an interview with Dr. William Li at Chris Beat Cancer.
NOTE: I am in no way affiliated with Chris Beat Cancer, nor do I receive any financial benefit from sharing this information. I just think this is important information for people wanting holistic resources for fighting and preventing diet related diseases. The more we know, the more we can take control of our health.
The first time I found the Chris Beat Cancer website was Labor Day Weekend 2018. It was featured in a Dr. Axe email, and all of his cancer prevention coaching program modules were free that weekend.
I watched most of them, but was most fascinated with Module 3 that talked about the most potent anti-cancer fruits, vegetables and spices that can help your body heal and prevent cancer (as well as other diet related diseases). And Chris backs it up with science.
It was really an eye opening experience for me, and a huge awareness of just how God has provided plants for our benefit.
Health Conscious
I’ll admit I’m more of a health conscious person than a fanatic. My healthy-to-unhealthy eating ratio is probably at least 80:20 or more, and some days better.
I like to eat less carbs, more healthy fats, more fruits, vegetables and raw nuts than sugar laden sweets, few processed foods, and no sodas. I’m not gluten free, but consciously eat gluten-reduced, if there is such a thing.
And I’m always healthy-izing our favorite recipes. I like to cut the sugar by half of most recipes, and then substituting half the remaining sugar with Truvia Baking Blend or apple sauce (if I have it).
I also substitute healthy oils and when possible use healthy flours like coconut, rice and ancient grains for at least half the flour.
NOTE: Coconut and kamut flour are not straight 1:1 substitutions with regular flour. These coconut flour adaptations also work for kamut.
But my understanding of how foods have anti-cancer properties was nil.
Foods That Fight Cancer
Dr William Li has been studying foods that fight cancer for many years. Watch his interview on Chris Beat Cancer or click the link below, to learn more. He also has his own website EatToBeat.
By the way, that cancer fighting property they are talking about is called anti-angiogenesis. Certain foods are much higher than others in these properties. Learn more about anti-angiogenesis cancer fighting foods in Dr. Li’s Ted Talk on Chris Beat Cancer. On Chris’ blog you will also find a list of foods with naturally occurring anti-angiogenesis properties.
Disclaimer: This information is shared for informational purposes and is in no way meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always work in partnership with a qualified health care professional for diagnosis and treatment options.
Pam is an experienced, professional, freelance B2B copywriter, consultant and trainer. She blends her love of studying God’s Word and interests in natural beauty, health and home alternatives and communication skills to bring you resources to improve your everyday life. You can also find her at
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