Hi. My name is Pam Wolsey and I’m a 50-something wife, mom, grammy, sister, and daughter. I’m also a freelance, professional, business-to-business copywriter, consultant and trainer.

When it comes to the Bible, I don’t have any formal teaching, am not ordained, hold no church position or title, and my knowledge of Greek and Hebrew is limited to what I look up during my studies.
I’ve always believed in God, but was a late bloomer in accepting Him as my Lord and Savior. Since then, I’ve hungered for a deeper understanding of His Word and have become a serious Bible student.
To sum it up, I’m a flawed, ordinary, everyday believer with a college education, saved by God’s grace and taught by the Holy Spirit.
I say all this to encourage you that no matter your place in the body of Christ, if you are willing and open, the Holy Spirit can move through you to reach others.
Any and all mistakes in what is written here I take full credit for, and the goodness is through the giftings of God.
This is my personal blog. It is intended to provide you Godly Wisdom, resources and encouragement for Living in a Chaotic World. On this site you will find:
- Regularly updated content at least twice a month. To receive notifications when new posts are submitted, check out any of the options on the right.
- Practical application of God’s word for every season of your life.
- Bible studies to help deepen you’re understanding. You are welcome to print all Bible Studies and share as you feel appropriate.
- Beauty, health and home alternatives using essential oils and natural ingredients.
- Effective communication tools and resources for improving all your relationships.
You are also welcome to email me from from the Stay Connected section on the right or the contact form.
I look forward to getting to know you more 🙂
Welcome to this blog!